Technium Social Sciences The Journal full Crack (ISSN: 2668-7798) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Communication Sciences, Economics, Psychology, Education, Political Science, Management, Sociology, Administrative Sciences, Social Work, Tourism, Theology, Linguistics, Geography, Anthropology, History and many more.

The Journal Keygen key is our immense pleasure to introduce Technium Social Sciences Journal to cater to the publication needs of teachers, scientists, scholars, students and professionals. We thank all the forces with us, in the form of eminent advisory board and editorial board for all their cooperation and enthusiastic involvement in this blooming endeavor.Technium Social Sciences Journal (ISSN: 2668-7798) is indexed in the following international databases:

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- Topic for this issue: 2021 – A new decade for social changes
- Last date of paper submission for Vol. 27 / 2021: 10th of January, 2022
- Publication fee: 100 Euro (without DOI) or 130 Euro (DOI included)
Measuring the impact of scientific articles is of interest to authors and readers, as well as to tenure and promotion committees, grant proposal review committees, and officials involved in the funding of science. The number of citations by other articles is at present the gold standard for evaluation of the impact of an individual scientific article. Online journals offer another measure of impact: the number of unique downloads of an article (by unique downloads we mean the first download of the PDF of an article by a particular individual). Since May 2007, Journal of Vision has published download counts for each individual article. So far as we know, we are the only scientific journal providing these numbers. In the most recent accounting in July, 2008, the top five articles were each The Journal Free downloaded between 1,993 and 3,478 times.

While we cannot equate download of an article with actually reading it, these are nonetheless remarkable numbers. The reader may wonder how total downloads of an article compare with the more traditional measures of citation count. Elsewhere I and others have discussed the differences between, and advantages and disadvantages, of download and citation counts (Watson, 2007) (Brody, Harnad, & Carr, 2006; Deciphering citation statistics,” 2008; Perneger, 2004). In this note, I discuss the degree of correlation between these two measures. Before proceeding to the analyses, it is worth contemplating potential outcomes. Since downloads and citations are in some respects complementary measures, we should not expect perfect correlation. But substantial correlation, joined to the fact that downloads generally precede citations, would mean they provide a useful early predictor of eventual citations.
- Double Entry System: It is a dual entry system where every transaction is equally entered on both debit and credit sides. That is, one account is debited, and the other is credited for the same value.
- Daybook: The journal is a daybook which records everyday transactions.
- Compound Entry Possible: In journal entries, more than one related transactions occurring on the same day or the ones involving more than two accounts can be compiled together to form a single entry in a journal.
- Assistant to Ledger: Journal entries serve as the base for all the other books of account like ledger since it is prepared from the information disclosed in the journals.
- Transaction Identity: It preserves the evidence of each transaction and makes it easy to identify every business activity through its date and other essentials.
What are the two features of journal?
The features of journal are
1.Journal is a day book or daily recording transaction book. 2. Transactions are recorded systematically in chronological order (Date-wise).
What are the features of journal Class 11?
- It shows complete record of transactions.
- It is a book of original entry in which transactions are first recorded.
- Day to day transactions are recorded in a journal in chronological order.
- It records both aspects of a transaction i,e. debit and credit.

What do you mean by journal explain its features?
1) Journal is the first successful step of the double entry system. A transaction is recorded first of all in the journal. So the journal is called the book of original entry. 2) A transaction is recorded on the same day it takes place. So, journal is called Day Book.
What is importance of journal?
A journal can be an important tool to track important decisions in your life. It’s a natural chronological record of your progress and can allow you to remember the reasons behind your decision-making for those all-important life events.
SM exposure did not have a significant effect on traditional impact metrics, such as downloads and citations. However, other metrics may measure the added value that social media might offer to a scientific journal, such as wider dissemination.